Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Project 1

chubby magical fairy at starry eyed charlie blog
Whenever you see this little guy:

Your first mission?
1.Make a mix cd that tells your life story. It's a good way to introduce yourself to your first inspiration friend.
2. Buy post its.
Fill post its pack with great quotes.
The recipient has to post them in random places and photograph them.
If they so desire, they can post it on their blog.

Your recipient information and emails will be posted on this blog tomorrow, 2/9/11, in the afternoon.
Addresses should be exchanged via email amongst partners.

Oh, and if you don't hear from your buddy in the next week, email me starryeyedcharlie@yahoo.com and I'll get you a new one:)

Deadline date to put in mail: February 28th.

Have fun!



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